Here is another in a series of posts for my radio brothers and sisters who were affected by the recent layoffs.
Network. See what other stations are doing? Are some looking at format “adjustments” because there is a unique opening in the market? Maybe. Are they looking for a weekend person? Could be. And watch your phone and email for the next month. Summit Media will have to hire sooner or later. Do you want to go back there? With new management and training, it may be better than what you remember and it may be worth a try, plus you can hit the ground running.
This was meant for my radio family that just got laid off, but its for anyone that finds it works for them!
Some of the things to put down on your “To Do” list! See you on Friday 3:00pm HST for my livestream Billy V LIVE! You can watch it on Billy Vʻs YouTube Channel. Also on the Billy V LIVE FB page, HNNʻs Facebook Page & Billy V Sunrise FB page.